“Where is the real? All appearance (IS) deceitful, the visible surface is deceptive.” -Salvador Dali
Our bodies are deceptive. Our bodies will never reflect our true personalities. We can choose to be thin or fat, choose to have ginger or pink hair or no hair, decorate our skin with tattoos, cover our bodies with fashion, plump our features with collagen or expose as much of our bare skin as is ‘decent’ or ‘not decent’. But no-one will ever be able to tell who you really are from your look. ‘You’ only materialise when you use your voice and with your actions.
What you say and do is who you are. Your mind and your goals, your interactions, your words- these are the things which make you into a human.
Don’t get me wrong- our bodies are incredible. We can give hugs, we can pull people out of burning buildings, we can have sex, we can dance, and sometimes we can have babies. But our words can soothe a broken heart from 3000 miles away, our laughter can fill a room and instil confidence, our minds can create possibilities for ourselves, our loved ones, our communities and even the world. And our bodies are the vehicle we can use to make those possibilities become real.
If you don’t believe me then at least believe Carrie Fisher:
“My body is my brain bag, it hauls me around to those places & in front of faces where theres something to say or see”
- Carrie Fisher
This is why I started this project. To remove the constraints which our partners, our parents, our friends, society, media, puts on us to be a certain way, to look a certain way. We do not need to conform to be happy. There are no limits.
Because we are not our bodies, we are so much more.
Website: www.chachipowerproject.co.uk
Instagram: @chachipowerproject
Twitter: @chachi_power
Facebook: @chachipowerproject
Flipboard: Body Image Magazines
Pinterest: @chachipowerproject