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Danni Gordon

Chachi Power Project: On this day a Queen was born

If you think the Queen I'm referring to ️☝️ is Oprah, since she turns 64 today, you are wrong. Today is my Birthday (#OprahIsMyBirthdayTwin #SoManySimilarities) AND even more exciting... The Chachi Power Project turned 1 this week! #proudmama

Sometimes our British sensibilities make us think that self-love can go a bit over the top, but at its core self-love is about self-compassion to help nourish your mental health, self-care to create a balance for your mind and body and self-respect which, in turn, will boost your self-worth.

"There is a reason they all begin with 'self': you can't find them in anyone else."

We need to champion ourselves as much as we can because everyone else is too busy getting on with life. So today, as a Birthday present to me (since you forgot to send a card) I want you to do a bit of self-championing. Whatever it looks like, don't hold back. Perhaps send me a message and tell me how you got on? And on a sentimental note... This past year has been my fave. I've learnt so much about myself, my abilities and this wonderful little community of beautiful, helpful, caring people who all want good things and happiness for themselves and others, has materialised out of nowhere. Chachi is the most rewarding thing I have ever done and I feel emotionally grateful. Thanks to each of you for the part you have played. Whether it has been tiny or huge, I've noticed you being there.

Birthday Kisses to you all! 😘😘😘😘😘😘

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