Friday night. London. Being entertained more than I have been in a long time. Hearing people stand on a stage saying stuff that I actually, for once, agree with and feel passionate about everyone getting to hear.

@bodyposipanda and @thevagaggle held their inaugural ‘Never Say Diet Club’ at @festcamden and I’m so pleased I got to be in the audience!

There was singing and shaking and truth and laughing and hugs. It was something special and no doubt it took a heck of a lot of work to create. RESPECT.

So pleased to meet Megan finally after seeing all her hard work!
I also got to have a reunion with my wee pal Michelle (@scarrednotscared) and meet Terri from @theunedit.

To the 4 of you... Michelle, Terri, Megan, Joeley I wanna acknowledge your commitment and hard work to The Body Positive Movement. Megan and Joeley- next time in Scotland, aye? 😉


Me and Joeley aka @thevagaggle
Calling the Scottish troops to make this a reality: @iam_more_than @bodypositivescotland @missmethven @fearlessfemmemagazine @yeahokbye @jordynwithawhyyymodels @prettyflyfatgal Let’s do it!

A Yay Scale!